Lessons from 2022

There’s something about the end of the year that makes me want to reflect. With the change of the calendar it’s a natural time to think about new goals. It’s a clean slate. A fresh start. But, the excitement of the new year can sometimes make me forget the importance of taking a few minutes to reflect on the year I just had. And although this past year has been a rollercoaster ride filled with its inevitable ups and downs, and I’m ready for something new, my soul also needs to slow down for a minute and ask, “what did you learn?” Here are my top 3 takeaways from 2022.  And if you came here for the free reflection worksheet you can download it here.

“Without reflection, we go blindly on our way.”

-Margaret J. Wheatley

Ask For Help

You know Lousia from the movie, Encanto? Well, I have never felt more seen in my life than the first time I watched that movie. If you’re not familiar, Louisa is the sister that you can always count on. Her physical strength is amazing, but she can’t do everything herself, EVEN THOUGH SHE TRIES.

This past year I found out that I have some health challenges and I realized that I needed to ask for help. That in fact, I can’t do it all because I was never meant to do it all. Also “all” is arbitrary and as the go-getter that I am, the goal post of “all” would always move anyway. I have learned to ask for help. And to be specific with the help that I need. Life is really a cycle. Sometimes you ask for help. Sometimes you are the help. I’m learning to be open to the flow and cycle of help. It’s easier to give help than to ask for help, I know. Be brave. Don’t think you need to do it all. When you ask for help, let people assist you in their unique way. It may not be done the way you personally do it, but that’s ok. I have learned that asking for help not only blesses myself, but it also blesses the giver. I’ve also learned that more people want to help than not. 

"Until we can receive with an open heart, we're never really giving with an open heart. When we attach judgment to receiving help, we knowingly or unknowingly attach judgment to giving help."

-Brene Brown

Celebrate Your Wins

Raise your hand if you rarely stop to celebrate your wins, especially the small ones. Yeah, I’m guilty. As a solopreneur and a mom, I have realized that my tendency is to complete a task, then barrel roll through to the next thing. But I have found that celebrating my wins gives me the confidence and the history to look back on when things get difficult. I recently texted a picture to my friend of a card that one of my art students had made for me. I have a nice collection growing now. She gave me an amazing idea to put all those cards in a binder, and when I am having a rough day I can pull it out and read through them. I thought it was a brilliant idea. It’s like putting my wins in an emotional time capsule, to be opened when needed. 

My celebrations look different depending on what it was that I completed. They can be small, like just taking a few minutes to sit with a feeling of gratitude and pride for what I’ve done, to grabbing my favorite icecream after accomplishing a longer goal. Celebrating wins can act like the momentum you need to propel you farther on the next goal or task. 

“The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.”

– Oprah Winfrey

Take Imperfect Action

This one has been a major reason for my accomplishments the past 12 months. Taking imperfect action means that although I’m not sure of the how, I take action anyway. When you’re doing something new you might have this feeling of anxiety or worry because you don’t have all the details. That’s normal. Your brain has no information to filter through on that topic. But if you DECIDE, then move forward without knowing all the answers, your brain starts to calm the heck down. This year I took tons of imperfect action. I didn’t get it right the first time but I now know that doing will give me the feedback I need to improve for the next time. Everyone starts as a beginner. It’s with imperfect action that we improve. 

With this in mind, I have decided to start a Youtube channel. I have this idea to combine mental health and mindfulness with art. Although I know these first videos will be rough, I am doing it anyway. I have a vision to bring my message to others to help them and the only way I can do that is to jump in with both feet. If you’d like to subscribe to that channel I would LOVE it! As of the time of this blog I have a total of 29 subscribers and I’m pretty sure it’s my family. (Thanks familia 🙂)

But we all have to start at the beginning. There are no shortcuts so make your move and don’t wait for things to be “perfect.”  Whether that means the perfect time (does not exist), perfect knowledge (knowledge isn’t static), perfect skills (you get better by doing) or the perfect opportunity (you were never promised that so create your own)

“Do you want to know who you are? Don’t ask. Act! Action will delineate and define you.”

-Thomas Jefferson

It’s your turn

I highly encourage you to take a few minutes this week and reflect on the past year. If someone asked you what the top 3 lessons you learned are, what would you say? To help and inspire you I’ve created a printable worksheet that has you pause and answer a few questions to get your mind in reflection. To grab the worksheet click on the button below. 

I’m so excited to have you here with me. Your comments, likes, and community truly fill my soul. Here’s to another year my friend. I can’t wait to see what the next year holds for both of us!

After you’ve filled this out, I encourage you to pull out your journal and write down your 3 key takeaways from this past year. Share them with your family or friends. It’s a beautiful thing to be open and vulnerable with those we love. It gives them permission to do the same. Here’s to next year!


As always friend,

You belong here.

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How to Watercolor a Wolf and Moon


How to Watercolor an Easy Snowflake Card