3 Ways Art Reduces Stress

Ahh. Stress. Yes, I know you well. You like to creep up on me and incite pandemonium in my head. Stress to me feels like millions of kittens dragging toilet paper from their paws all over my brain. Kind of a strange analogy I know, but somehow it makes sense to me. I’m sure you’ve heard that you need to manage your stress. That stress causes health problems. That stress is the devil. It's this thing you know you need to get a handle on but the issue feels kinda vague and you’re not really sure where to start? Yes, I have been there. And yes, learning about stress sometimes stresses me out. But let’s take a deep breath and discover how art can help reduce and manage stress. I know it’s been a game changer for me.

Art Lowers Cortisol Levels

When you’re stressed the hormone called cortisol is raised. Left on it will wreak havoc on your body. If you’re chronically stressed, art has been shown to lower your cortisol levels. This study tested cortisol levels of adults before creating visual art and then again afterwards. What they found was that after just 45 minutes of making art, cortisol levels were significantly lower. Not only that, but they had the participants write how the experience made them feel and the responses were one of well-being, freeing, relaxing and enjoyable. And by the way, most of the participants did not have previous experience making art. It doesn’t matter if you think you’re creative or not (you are, by the way) It was the PROCESS not the END PRODUCT that lowered cortisol levels. 

It’s the process not the end product that lowers cortisol levels.

Art for Catharsis

Oftentimes holding onto or repressing strong emotions is what leads to the stress we feel. We tell ourselves that we’ve got to “keep it together” and soldier on. And we do. We’re there for our family, our friends and neighbors. But overtime those emotions can build up and build up until we quite literally feel like a balloon ready to pop. We need an emotional release. Just like water is purified in a process of removing chemicals and contaminants, catharsis is the process of purifying and purging emotions, some of which may have been left unresolved for weeks, months or even years. This study found that art can be used as a catharsis to release these strong emotions and reduce and manage stress. (Read the full study here)

Catharsis is the process of purifying and purging emotions, some of which may have been left unresolved for weeks, months or even years.

Art for Mindfulness

Did you know that the average person has over 6,000 thoughts per day?! That is a TON to sort through. When you’re stressed those thoughts can feel overwhelming and heavy. I’ve found that stress will increase my level of distraction. I’m there but I’m not really “there”, you know? Creating art has a magical way of bringing you to the present. It turns your attention to what you are creating and can almost feel meditative. When you allow yourself to be totally present in what you are doing you’re practicing mindfulness. Check out this study here that took art and mindfulness to classrooms and saw an overall improvement in student mood. 

When you allow yourself to be totally present in what you are doing you’re practicing mindfulness.

Couldn’t Have Said It Better Myself

“Research now makes clear that experiencing or creating art sparks a dynamic interplay among brain cells that spearheads billions of changes affecting our thoughts, emotions, and actions. This knowledge elevates the arts to a superpower in its potential for healing and empowerment. Indeed, if we were to design a tool from scratch to improve learning, health, and overall well-being, it would look like the arts.”

-Susan Magsman, Your Brain on Art: The Case for Neuroaesthetics, National Library of Medicine

As always friend,

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