3 Things you can do TODAY to begin an art practice

I remember when I decided I was going to get back into art after taking a break of about 14 years. Starting can sometimes be the hardest thing to do, but you know what’s even harder? Never starting and wishing you had! Here are 3 practical tips that I personally used to help get me back in the art game. 

Schedule It

I know, I know. This is SO basic. So common sense. Buuut…common sense isn’t always common practice. When I first started painting I knew the best time of day for me would be before the kids got up so that’s when I would schedule my art sessions. Don’t cheat yourself by putting off this step. If you're waiting to start an art practice “when life slows down” or when you “have more time”, you’re basically assuming that your future self will somehow be less busy or somehow more motivated than you are now. Quit assuming that future you is an amazing superhero that magically has her crap together. Let me give it to you straight. This is an illusion that prevents you from starting the things that you actually want to do in your life. Even if life is legitimately busier than normal right now, how much more equipped will you be to continue an art practice when life gets hectic again if you learn to do it amid the busyness? Because it WILL get hectic again. Schedule it. Even if it’s only something you can do once or twice per month

Have Your Supplies Ready to Go

If you’ve scheduled time to create but you spend the majority of that time searching for your supplies, how frustrated do you think you'll be? My guess is very. Instead, gather your supplies and have them ready to go the day before. If you’re short on space, put your supplies in a tote or basket that you can easily move back and forth between where you create and where you store your stuff. I’ve also used a rolling cart to easily move my supplies from my office to my painting table. If you want to take it a step further, put your supplies where you will see them often. This creates the cue in your brain reminding you of the new art habit. James Clear wrote in his book, Atomic Habits:

If you want to remember to take your medication each night, put your pill bottle directly next to the faucet on the bathroom counter. If you want to practice guitar more frequently, place your guitar stand in the middle of the living room. Motivation is overrated, environment often matters more. ”   

If you want to create more art, have your supplies ready and visible.

Join a Class or Group

Joining a class or online group is a great way to create an art practice. If it’s an in-person class, this automatically puts the practice in your schedule. If you can’t commit to an ongoing class try to find workshops or paint nights in your area. If you’re taking an online class, try to find one that also has an online community. I am currently part of 2 online art communities and it’s a great way to find others that are on the same path. One word of advice though. Don’t get sucked into comparing your work to those of others. Theodore Roosevelt said, “Comparison is the thief of joy.” Remember that so much of the joy of art comes in the process, not the product.

The joy of art comes in the process, not the product.

There you have it friends, 3 practical things you can do to get that art practice started. I’m so excited to see where art takes you. I know it has transformed my life in the best of ways and I am so excited to share my art with you.

As always friend,

You belong here. 

Ps. If you’re local and looking for an in-person monthly class or paint night, check out my offers here.

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